Home – Gail’s Circle

I have never been known as one to follow all of the rules. Questioning and mutual understanding are always good things.

I am aware that I am breaking a rule of blogging – have a niche. As a retired nurse and health services researcher, a widow, and a family caregiver I was always drawn to discovery, listening to others and understanding others’ experiences from a broad perspective, so to setting on one niche didn’t feel right to me. Based on a lot of thinking and my first blog post I am fine with seeing how my site might will evolve. Already on one week I am beginning to focus on themes of caregiving, loss, grief and healthcare.

My Ask of You

Please read each blog, look at photos, and take some time to ponder. I know on-line communicating is not for everyone, but I ask you to carefully consider posting a comment and joining the conversation. All that I ask is that you be respectful, courteous, and compassionate to others.